
I dont have a lot of spare time, I dont think anybody does really. And when I do get some spare time... I have SO many things that i want to do - I get lost in a sea of possibilities and have a garage full of 1/2 finished projects. Apparently I'm not superwoman...... go figure.

I am very happy in life - I have an amazing, supportive partner, and the most beautiful Daughter I could ever have dreamed up born in 2011 and a handsome son with boundless energy who was born in 2009.

We are renovating a nest as weekend warriors, its hard work but it will all be worth it!

Lets see if this blog thing takes off and where it may take us......

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The Blueberries taste like blueberries!!

This is a Pomegranate tree. about 1.5m tall at the moment and has been in ground about 2 months. No action yet - i actually pruned some branches to just check that there is still green going on on inside there and there was.. so we will patiently wait and see what happens to this little mystery bag... I will powerfeed it again for the 2nd time tomorrow. Go little Pome GO!   

Trixie Pear. Its only about 1m tall and is ornamental as much as it is a provider of healthy nutritious food. Its just starting to green up and is very exciting to watch.  

Strawberries! Planted 4 varieties to ensure we have a varying, long harvest. These were our FIRST two. They were sweet, but the thing i noticed the most was how watery and fresh they tasted! I am so glad we devoted some sunshine space to these, looking forward to many more. 

Nectarine Tree - The blossoms blew away in the recent strong winds. I am assuming the fruit will start to develop soon from somewhere around here, either the buds on the end of the branch or at the base of the flower perhaps?
Blueberries! I have planted 3 blueberry bushes, apparently they will form a nice hedge eventually. The flowers were very nice and cute and from the base of the floer bulb formed these blueberries. a while to go before they ripen but i am SO excited to taste them!! YUMMO!