
I dont have a lot of spare time, I dont think anybody does really. And when I do get some spare time... I have SO many things that i want to do - I get lost in a sea of possibilities and have a garage full of 1/2 finished projects. Apparently I'm not superwoman...... go figure.

I am very happy in life - I have an amazing, supportive partner, and the most beautiful Daughter I could ever have dreamed up born in 2011 and a handsome son with boundless energy who was born in 2009.

We are renovating a nest as weekend warriors, its hard work but it will all be worth it!

Lets see if this blog thing takes off and where it may take us......

Sunday, August 8, 2010

A day in the garden...

Another sunday was spent in our new garden today. When we brought this house, the backyard was a blank canvas as far as gardens are concerned. There is a large gum tre and there (was) an ugly structure passing as a back pergola, which we ripped down today.
We have created 4 vegie beds with treated pine sleepers. the reason we have done 4 is so that we can rotate the veggies in such a way as to avoid diseases in the soil. explain this in another post to more detail. We have spent hundreds in organic potting mix to fill the beds, not counting that materials, seeds ect so hoping we get lots of veggies in the time to come. we also nailed over some chicken wire on top of the veggie gardens so cats dont go to the toilet in them. eew!

box 1 - broccoli, spinich, brussells sprouts.
box 2 - carrott, beetroot,  red onion and tomato
box 3- kohl rabi, raddish, sunflowers, tomato, and leek.
box 4 - nothing yet, we are yet to plant anything in here.

Today I also continued my quest for the perfect lawn. 2 weeks ago I covered the entire lawn (buffalo) in winter grass killer -a little bright orange box - which cost $30 at my local nursary for a small bottle which i diluted and watered over the lawn with my watering can. it worked alright but another application is definately neccessary as the bottle directed as some weeds are hanging on - especially the bindis. So today i went over it with another type that was only $9.99 from bunnings (a little clear plastic bottle which also did our whole yard) so hoping it does as good as a job. So now in 2 weeks i am going to spread a lawn food to feed and green up the lawn - we are going to use Brunnings Aussie green Lawn Food which was only 418 from bunnings and is supposed to do 300sq metrres of lawn. hopefully by  summer we have lush, green totally lay-on-able lawn!

enough about gardens tonight, maybe I'll post some pics later.

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